aircraft that started it all, the Proctor Antic. Over
years old and still going strong! On wheels, floats, or ski
operation, and available as a biplane, monoplane, and parasol, the
Antic's slow stable flight makes it a great plane to have fun
with! Building the Antic is also a pleasure. The
construction may look complex, but it's actually a simple design
to complete. You can assemble the rigging at the field in
only five minutes. Looking for something different?
Try a Proctor Antic, it's even available in two different sizes!
Antics have provided their owners with so many
hours of enjoyment that it is not uncommon to talk with people who
have built three or four in their modeling careers. We
receive more mail and photos of Antics than of any other kit we
offer. We think we know why.
the design, which never looks old or dated.
the Proctor Quality. Our reputation for quality got its
start with the Antics -- a reputation that we strive to meet
every day. From the selection of our woods and veneers,
to the solder flow on a cabane assembly, nothing is overlooked
or taken for granted.
an Antic is fun to build. Many owners call or write just
to tell us that they have never enjoyed building a kit so
much. While the construction may appear to be complex,
it is actually very straightforward and easy to do.
Construction up to the covering stage can be completed in two
to three weeks of spare time. Wing rigging, once done,
can be assembled or disassembled at the flying site in five
minutes without disturbing the original rigging.
the way it flies. The Antic's slow and stable flight
characteristics have made it a favorite platform for wheel,
float, or ski operations as well as sailplane or banner
towing. Several years ago, we heard from two owners had
been regularly flying their Antics over 20 years!
The point we are
trying to make is this: If you want to treat yourself to
something refreshingly different, try an Antic. Big or
small, one-wing or two, land or seaplane, it makes no
difference. Try one, just for the fun of it.!